Monday, March 14, 2011

The First Installment

Well folks -- Welcome.  I must say I'm not exactly sure why I created this in the first place, seeing as I am not a very good writer, but I suppose one could say I was inspired by my two lovely sisters who both are part of the blogging world.  If you are wondering what exactly this blog will be about -- I'm right there with you.  My initial title thought was actually "Common Sense 101," but I felt like that would then force me to write about things that I feel related to common sense.  So now I suppose, noting the actual title, that you will get to enjoy plenty of late night stories and rants about whatever is on my mind.  Yay for you! Maybe. 

Hopefully over the course of this blogging adventure I will come up with a better understanding of what it is I will actually write about -- but I probably won't.  SO, with that being said, I would say that you should just expect no structure, crazy moments and random thoughts, lots, of, comma, splicing, and an insane amount and over use of the common "dash." (--)

So once again, welcome to my mind.  Hopefully one of these days I will find something interesting to tell you about, or something of the sorts.  Until then -- Stay classy.

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